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Adhesive Pads

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Custom Products / Adhesive Pads

Adhesive Pads

Due to our material slitting capabilities, we can offer our customers a range of adhesive pad thicknesses.

We also stock a wide range of acrylic and synthetic rubber tapes, which enables us to manufacture self-adhesive pad products, custom-made for bespoke applications. Manufacturing single or double-sided adhesive pads, with finger lift or a tabbed liner if required, to ensure ease of assembly.

  • Adhesive Pads - Rubber Pads

    Rubber Pads

  • Adhesive Pads - Sponge Pads

    Sponge Pads

  • Adhesive Pads - Neoprene Blend Pads

    Foam Pads

  • Adhesive Pads - Felt Pads

    Felt Pads

  • Adhesive Pads - Natural Cork Pads - Cork Material

    Cork Pads

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Call us to speak with a member of our team:

+44 (0) 1902 407150

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